Video 10
11. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 1 Karika 15-18
Oh Vedran Carini vishnu yama diva hadron patchy moksha yatra steerer iran ghost of Arkham's hasta newbie mishima diva Heaton yada Yahoo swass Tina in Grove Raghava swass Tina who shava shava de soie steena star show or astronomy rusty no prehospital the dato Shanti Shanti Shanti we were doing the carcass following the seventh mantra so we have done caracals 11 to 14 let us chant the car because I'll change them and please follow after me [Applause] Caracas 10 onwards after the seventh month Kerry cotton so let me change the tent carica and then please follow up to me niblet is Aruba do kaanum neighbor'ood de cerdo carnem shun of proper up jaya he Shanna proper up Jaya adwaita salvo advaita servo diva studio vivos little diva studio leepu splitter god you're koruna but total the corner but doto Ishita Vishwa so shitty wish wattages so progr koruna Buddhist to Braga carnauba dust Oh doto turian acid data doto - yay NASA data not man amongst evil not meringue Shiva NASA Temne peach on rhythm NASA Tempe non rhythm Raja King Jana Sangh witty Raja King janesomm dt2 reinterred sir Roderick tada - Liam deserve a trick Sado greatest chakra Harnam - Liam greatest shock random - Liam opieop Raja - yo yo yo yo Raja - yo yo be Johnny draw you tough Praja be journey draw Utah Raja Sasha to DN a bit dirty so no need ryuuta audio Swapna need DRA Utah Biagio raah gasps - Anita raucous - Swapna need drea Rajasuya Swapna need drea no need Romney Watchers Swapna m-- no need Romney Watchers Swapna me to the a passion Denise cheetah the a passion Danish theta so this is what we had been doing in the past two classes these are Carrie cos composed by God a pod Acharya following the most important teaching of the Upanishad that is the seventh mantra the ultimate reality about ourselves which is called the - Liam the fourth aspect so called fourth aspect of the self but we know that is the real aspect of the self that is the reality about the self now goroh pada acharya he reveals this teaching to us by comparing the four aspects of the self what are the four aspects of the self the Waker the dreamer the sleeper and the fourth which is actually the real the real self the one the one consciousness which appears as the Waker with the gross gross body in the interacting with the gross world which appears as the dreamer in the subtle body that means having dreams in the mind which appears as the deep sleeper when the mind is shut down interacting leader with the external world nor having dreams but it is the one consciousness in and through all of them and independent of all of those three and what God Abba Daria said was we can look at all of this all of this means waker dreamer and sleeper all of this as a play of ignorant and error ignorant and error what does that mean it means just like a person mistakes makes a mistake about a snake you know but seeing the rope does not see it as a rope but sees it as a snake by mistake by error that error about the snake is actually due to his ignorance of the reality which is the rope not knowing the reality predisposes us those who are sitting on the edge could you just move a little bit so that others can sit yeah so I do not see the rope as a rope I know something is there but I instead of identifying it as a rope I think it's something there not knowing it to be a rope it's possible that I may mistake it to be a snake if I knew it to be a rope I wouldn't mistake it to be a snake at all so ignorant about the Rope predisposes us increases the possibility that we'll mistake it for something other than a rope so ignorant leads to error in Sanskrit avidya and Brahma or ijazah are Gianna and AB NASA ignorance and superimposition now if you compare the four aspects of the self the three appearances and the one reality three appearances waker dreamer deep sleeper the one reality - Liam if you compare them with respect to ignorant and error you will find the Waker that's us right now we have both ignorance and error remember ignorance and error about what don't say about the rope and the snake here we are talking about rope and the snake is an example here we are talking about ignorant about our real nature in terms of demand okay open assured ignorant about toriel you might say now we don't have ignorant about thorium we have read about it we have finished a seventh mantra well we know about it we have read about it we've got some in formation about it but until you can honestly feel that I am the witness of waking dreaming deep sleep I am unaffected by the Waker the dreamer and the deep sleeper I'm not really the Waker dreamer deep sleeper but I'm the one consciousness appearing in all of these ways until you can honestly say that we we cannot say we have really known ourselves as that knowledge about the Toria means I am thorium can we honestly say that I know myself without any doubt that I am tutorial now have no more problems no until we can say that we have to say that we are in ignorant ignorant about our real nature what is the real nature that aureum what's it like waker what's it like we know let's just look at ourselves we know what it is like but turian what is it like you just have to look at come you have to sort of fit in yeah the turian what is it like 7th mantra go back and take a look at the seventh mantra there is a detailed description mostly negative terms about what the Tyrian is like we do not know that and therefore we make a mistake thinking we are this body mind we are this body mind that's all that we know about ourselves so ignorant and error the Waker has both ignorant and error ignorant about our real nature hysteria and error which is born of the ignorance what is the error a misperception a misunderstanding a Mis comprehension about ourselves about myself what do I think when I think about myself this yes my this the history of this body mind complex is my history that's my bio-data so that's the error just like not knowing the Rope mr. B means mistake it to be a snake not knowing the tour iam we mistake it to be the Waker so ignorant and error are both present in the Waker when we fall asleep and dream does the dreamer the person you are in the dream person you are in the dream in your dream each dream you are a person in there in your image usually you're there that person does that person know know himself or herself to be the thulium know so ignorant is there and error is also there so ignorant and error are both present in the dream state the dreamer also has ignorant and error deep sleeper the deep sleep state in deep sleep just think about our deep sleep experience do I know I am thorium no not at all I don't know anything at least the way Kerr knows the waking world the waken knows the waking world the Baker knows the body and mind the dream are at least experience is a dream but what does the deep sleeper experience blankness our nothingness so the deep sleeper has error has ignorant does not know anything does not know oneself or the other it certainly does not know that that I am thorium or anything like that does the deep sleeper have error no there is no mistake you can't fault the deep sleeper for committing a mistake it's like somebody tells a lie does not tell the truth does not keep silent but tells a lie so that's like committing an error both these cases there are errors but deep sleeper is like somebody who keeps quiet does not tell the truth but does not tell a lie also so there is no mistake there that in the deep sleep pradya that is ignorant is there but no error and the turian has neither ignorance nor error about what about oneself yes don't mix it up with anything else we never see the Waker I didn't know the answers to my physics questions and I gave wrong answers to my physics questions on a map math paper I made mistakes there if I'm Torian so I will do very well I have enough no ignorance about math and let me cannot commit no errors on my math exams no no nothing like that so tutorial has neither ignorance nor error now I'm sure it's clear to everybody it's worth repeating however when we go through the risk and this kind of analysis is meant to clear up things but it can create its own confusion also so just to clear up things when we speak about Waker dreamer deep sleeper to liam remember we are just talking about one one person just you it sounds like a committee I know like a panel discussion or something but now there is just you just me what is the Waker after all in this scheme of things what is the Waker the Laker is none other than the thorium which does not know itself ignorant and then mistakes itself Toria mistakes itself to be body minded so then durian itself from the turians point of view if you realize that I am the thorium then from that point of view you will have no error about yourself you know that and this thing becomes very clear if you think about an enlightened person whom we might consider an enlightened person the enlightened person will always know himself or herself to be the podium whenever is possible to think like the waking or the dream state dream stages yes yes but or iam in association with the mind the error that ignorance is in the mind and the error will be in the mind and the knowledge will also come in the mind what knowledge will it be that I am thorium always am thorium was am will always be the thorium so that's the that's enlightenment so that enlightened person will not make a mistake about this the enlightened person see right now suppose an enlightened person is in the breaking state is that enlightened person aware of the Waker yes there will be a waking world there'd be a body there will be a mind the thing differences the enlightened person will say or will at least know without the shadow of doubt I am thorium the witness consciousness not this body and mind which I am operating through right now in our case what happens is - Liam is just something that we read about or we don't even know anything about it we just were very clear we are this much only Waker and the wakers world that's what we are this is the difference basically what is enlightenment goda par they saying when you see I the ID should instead of referring to the Waker it should refer to the to do that's all so yes the body and mind appear and then disappear they come and go in dreams you have another body and mind in deep sleep no experience of body and mind but you are the tour iam in every case that will be the enlightened persons conviction will be very clear about that that's true even now even under the condition of ignorance we still are thorium but we don't see it that way no you cannot say body and mind is creating there're because body and mind will continue to appear for that an enlightened person also but it does not create a referent person does not associate himself with that body and mind yes yes no but again look at the language you're using body and mind not the creating ignorance body and mind do not create ignorance if body and mind creates ignorance then the enlightened person cannot have enlightenment because the enlightened person also Ramakrishna what there's a body so does it have ignorant there no Holy Mother Ramakrishna Vivekananda they are their bodies there so the presence of the body does not create a ignorant the presence of the body does not create error ignorant creates error ignorance is in the mind it creates error yes yes and no remember the enlightened person from the enthusiam point of view there is no waking dreaming or deep sleep or you can say from turian point of view is continuously awake what changes is the waking dreaming and sleeping that is at the level of the mind that difference is very clear to the enlightened person so when the mind falls asleep it will be just like our deep sleep when the mind starts is awakens and starts thinking in waking or in dreaming it will be just like our waking and dreaming with the exception that that mind will have the clarity that I am the witness this the witness of this mind yes it will continue it will be available that the distinction will become so clear it will become available for a full full blown enlightened person Jeevan Mukta the person will never be caught again and in the identification body mind that difference will be very clear all right hopefully all right now goroh pada introduced four pairs of terms to indicate this ignorance in error keep this in mind that the Waker has ignorant sin error the dreamer has ignorant sin error about oneself the deep sleeper has only ignorance but no error and to Liam from turian point of view no ignorance no error now gora pada introduced four pairs of terms just as a matter of comparison in order to elucidate this whole concept four pairs of names for what for ignorant senator four dimensions let's say four aspects of ignorance and error the first pair is he used it was agraharam unethical Hannam Sanskrit what does it mean non comprehension and mistake or miss comprehension which is almost the same thing as ignorance an error agraharam literally grana means grasping and onion Ahana means grasping wrongly so no understanding and misunderstanding so if you look at it that way the Waker you can tell me yourself now the Waker has what does it have no understanding of the truth yes and misunderstanding of the truth yes the dreamer no understanding of the truth Miska no comprehension and miss comprehension also don't seem to be sure and then the deep sleeper does it have comprehension of the truth no it has no comprehension of the truth but does it have a Mis comprehension of the truth does it misunderstand something no because the Faculty of understanding itself is not working in deep sleep just shut down to diem on the other hand has neither lack of comprehension nor miss comprehension in Sanskrit no agraharam and no onion are on this the second pair of names which Gorda pada uses is cause and effect car an aquarium kurani Karim for ignorant sea uses the word cause karana and for error he uses the word effect koream if we just again recall this snake and rope example we'll understand what he is talking about clearly the cause and the effect there are ignorant and error the cause of the error seeing the snake was what was ignorant so that that is that ignorant is the carnem and the effect was seen a snake so that is the corium the error was the effect ignorant was the cause and the error was the effect now cause an effect Waker according to God upon this language the Waker is trapped by both cause and effect the dreamer is trapped by both cause and effect the deep sleeper is trapped only by caused not by the effect and the tore iam is beyond cause and effect in sanskrit they say car your car and of election quite apart from cause and effect this has very deep implications for religion and philosophy of all these things which are discussing here in terms of religion you know what it will be the cause is Ishwara god god plus the power of maya is the is regarded as the cause of the entire universe in all religions god is regarded as the creator of the universe so in Vedanta also saguna brahman saguna brahman means the ultimate reality brahman with the power of maya is the cause of the entire universe but what we are talking about turian is neither cause not affect the need guna Brahman the pure consciousness is neither cause nor effect many of you think it sounds Airy speculation its you we are talking about the pure consciousness the witness which you are is neither cause nor effect from the Brahman point of view or turian point of view it is we are talking about something beyond God beyond the conception of God the third pair of names which he uses or suggests God a father because he uses only one of these names is bija ankara vita ankara bija means seed ankara is proud he doesn't use the word anchor actually so the seed is ignorant and the error which comes out of that ignorant is the sprout so for example for example the Waker has is well equipped with both the seed and the sprout the dreamer is well equipped with both the seed and the sprout the seed his ignorance and the sprout his ignorant the sprout his error and the deep sleeper tells me has only the ignorance the seed be gem just look at our own experience all this that we experience now imagine in deep sleep it's all as if merged into darkness why am I saying merged it's not really erased because it comes back when you wake up your whole life comes back so can you think of deep sleep as a potential state where everything has sort of been thrust back into or compacted into a seed form which will sprout again as waking and dreaming your waking comes back as you're making your dreams come back as your dreams your whole personality comes back so it's like a computer which has been switched off or in is in a hibernation mode or something like that so seed state that's that's our deep sleep but the tour iam is free of both the seed and the sprout forever free it is not infected with either another very nice pair of names which he uses remember all these are names for the ignorant son ever gota father uses a very suggestive pair of names and could be confusing because he uses the same words again sleep and dream but he means something else entirely he says ignorant is sleep and our waking is a dream our dream is a dream our deep sleep is just sleep so according to him the Waker has both sleep and dream you see in our ordinary language when we dream don't you supposed to have to sleep yeah first have to be asleep then only you can dream right sleep and then dream yes daydreaming of course area is so you know you're not asleep but in normally in dreams you're asleep and then you're dreaming so the Waker according to God our Father has both sleep and dream here he is using the word sleep and dream in a philosophical sense in a metaphysical sense what is sleep according to guru father not falling up jumping into bed and father Summa no you know sleeping at night not that that's not what he means he means by sleep he means not knowing your real nature we are ignorant of our real nature that's sleep according to God our Father if that is sleep then we who claim to be awake right now waking state gora father would say you are you are asleep and what is dream according to God a pada error not only do you not know that you are Brahman you are the pure consciousness the absolute but you also think that you are a limited body and mind this little person this little life that's all Who I am that's what I think that's that's what God our Father calls a dream so in our waking state do we have sleep and dream God our Father would say that you are sleepers and you are dreamers it's exactly the language used by the Buchta the very word Buddha means one who has woken up will see a beautiful verse guru father says that we are asleep under the spell of beginningless Maya when the sentient being individual being Jeeva you when you awaken from the sleep of beginningless Maya you awaken into your non dual nature that's called a big waking up so according to him our they are ordinary maker who we are right now according to him you are sleeping and dreaming according to him the dreamer when we are we are asleep and dreaming according to him you are sleeping and dreaming according to him the deep sleeper is sleeping yeah so this sleep and dream is a metaphysical use of the word sleeping and dreaming according to go deposits it has nothing to do with whether you are actually awake or sleeping or dozing or whatever whatever you are doing until you are enlightened according to God our Father you are deepest you are in deep sea you are you are asleep you are sleeping you're asleep to your real nature the word Buddha means let one who has awaken to the truth hmm somebody's phone is buzzing so one who has awaken to the truth that is the meaning of Buddha he will actually got a pada will use this term Buddha one man one awakens Prabhu de you will use that yes that's a huge huge question for at least one it'll take a one and a half hours to talk about it a lot of similarities yes so that's a huge question his question is did God Apollo was he really used mimaki Buddhism that is one school of Buddhism and there is a huge controversy on how much gora father was influenced by Buddhism so that is a entirely different topic you will see in Nikhil energies book for example half of the introduction is taken up medical energy who argues against the thesis that god Apollo was was either a Buddhist or heavily influenced II heavily influenced in one sense that cannot be denied because a lot of the terms used by God our Father are similar to the terms used by the Mahayana Buddhists now that could be easily explained because of the prevalence of Buddhist philosophy at that time during Korra Palestine so we in your culture at that time if a particular terminology is prevalent in philosophy and if you are doing philosophy you would use that terminology even if you were attacking that philosophy you'd still use that that's something that was used by others also at that time but Nikhil Angie gives several very cogent arguments there two schools of thought earlier many people noticed it and immediately jump to the conclusion like we do shaker for touch re and others that Gor epatha must have been a Buddhist but it doesn't stand to reason after all first of all is commenting on the Upanishad which is clearly a Hindu text why would a Buddhist ever do that you're talking about an ultimate reality beyond the changing waking dreaming and deep sleep that doesn't sound very about this so there are different many different reasons why it's not it's not very rational to argue that gotta by the visible taste but one can argue about how much influence would disome had on him one traditional monk because because of God opposes influence again Shankar Acharya has been charged with being a crypto Buddhist but Chanin about the crypto Buddhists a hidden Buddhist by the dualist the Hindu duelists who charged the non duelists of being hidden Buddhists I heard one traditional monk non duelist Hmong Hindu monk in north of India he reversed it he said no I would rather say the Buddhists are hidden vedantins on what grounds on what grounds the ground on the grounds that the opening shots predate the Buddha open issues clearly mondo competition and all very clearly before the Buddha so if there's any similarity then we must say Buddha took it from the coop initials not the other way round and by the way that was more or less Swami Vivekananda's understanding very interesting he said this philosophy of non-dualism has saved religion I saved India thrice the ancient religion of India has been saved twice the I think he says India has been saved tries once he said at the time of day at the time of Buddha which means he is identifying Buddha with the teaching of non-dualism and the second time he said by Shankara and third time of course he meant Sri Ramakrishna and himself so he clearly thought Buddhist teaching was innocence pedantic though not form not at all info and I would tend to agree and there are number of scholars who tend to see the similarity there yes who asked your benadryl what yoga nidra are you talking about there is a yoga nidra which is used in hatha yoga which is a relaxation exercise nothing particularly philosophical about it yes that in that has a deeper meaning that Yoga Nidra would probably refer to the pralaya state but there is no no bearing on this those terms do not enter here right remember the Manduca is is very direct it talks to your experience whether Vishnu is in yoga nidra and the dissolution of the universe lying on his couch of the thousand hooded serpent that's all magnificent for you no mythology and a beautiful belief system but what does it have to do with you a strict non duelist would say what are you talking about here what we are talking about is always absolutely clear no mysticism here it's something that everyone can and should relate to not a system of belief not a system of theology not even a philosophy a philosophy this Vedanta is regarded as a system of philosophy but if you have a deeper understanding of Advaita Vedanta this one it's always talking about fact experience and reason based on experience yeah yes wait I'll come to you right when you realize you're the to Liam what do you actually realize you realize I'm the one consciousness in everybody not only that you realize everybody's deuterium they are only this mind knows it the minds there do not know it that's the difference they will feel but the fact is that we are that one reality and we are all one in that reality now your question is do they have emotions feelings quite obviously first of all you just look at in two ways I'll answer that as you said one very good way whenever you have doubts is just look at the lives the behavior and the speech of those who you consider to be enlightened how do they act in this world do they seem to have emotion very much so look at it from this philosophical point of view where is emotion mind when you realize you are the thorium is the mind disturbed by any do you make any change in the mind except the knowledge comes that you're thorium will the mind continue to function will the body continue to function will the body feel hungry will you eat food will it digest food no yes all right yes it will it will continue to function as usual in in that case why shouldn't the mind continue to function as usual will the mind think yes will the mind remember will or will memory fail completely after thorium they've been not very attractive then I realized I'm the thorium they have a bad case of amnesia now No so all the functions of the world remember Jana does not destroy anything in the world nothing here in the world will be destroyed when you become enlightened enlightened nothing here also will be destroyed the only thing that iana knowledge destroys is ignorance yes you're all good better than teens now so only thing the only difference that knowledge will make to the enlightened person will make to you is that your ignorance that you are not deter IAM that ignorance will go away only that much nothing else and that itself is an enormous thing actually yes in but can you can I not put it the other way around what rest of it then a full-blown realization will be what is the body mind complex other than thorium yeah and the projection is what actually when you realize the the necklace is gold through and through every bit of it is gold gold is the only reality now you're asking why bother with the necklace but the necklace is good my question will be why would you want to change it you have realized it's real nature I'll come to you you realize it's real nature that it is gold that every ornament is gold now what do you want to change one ornament or another now I have realized that the necklace is gold let me melt it down into a lump of gold no no no problem at all you have no problems with it being neck a necklace or a bracelet or a lump of gold you want to respond to this one yeah right so you will you will not feel actually an enlightened person would not feel like meddling with the with the body mind or the flow of the world whatever impulse comes up in the mind remember the mind has already been purified by a long process of spiritual practice so usually it will be a noble mind a mind of a sage so noble impulses will come up in that mind and the person who is realized that I am thulium will continue to work through that and exercise those noble impulses might spend the life working for the welfare of others always look at the examples of enlightened persons will that person work for the Emperor welfare of others will that person necessarily establish schools and hospitals may not be might sit in a cave like Ramana Maharshi might give up the body like Parvati Baba who entered into the fire there's a story of Parvati Baba actually you know how he passed her he gave up the body now what motivates such a sage to do something or the other be it's a mystery it's beyond our understanding because that person no longer sees himself as one individual so they desire to interfere with one individual in fact that is supposed to be a sign of a little bit of ignorance remaining the desire to make big changes in one life as you step back from up ordinary persons like Ramakrishna himself today itself we are reading anything in the morning Swami Sivananda who was a disciple of sri ramakrishna his childlike Kokomo Raji so at the end of Sri Ramakrishna's life during is the worst period of his illness sober and he goes to pro karma are two Ramakrishna and says I really believe if he would only will it so your disease will be cured and Sri Ramakrishna was happy - sir do you really believe that he says yes you just say that your disease will be cured I am sure it will be cured and Sri Ramakrishna was very happy to hear that and he said you are right I also know that but I would not I'm not going to do it we our point of view would be that would be a great thing you know I by way she would do it or is he just evading the thing but look at it try just once to look at it from that person's point of view it's a little puddle of chemicals here to think that I the infinite consciousness behind all living beings forever an immortal would come down again to make this little puddle of existence live a little longer this itself shows ignorance that as why am I so attached to this little thing when he wanted to eat somebody said that I want you to eat with this mouse pray to the divine mother for that the divine mother told him what you are eating in so many mouths why do you want to eat through this mouth imagine for from our point of view this sounds nice but just try to imagine it suppose it's true and imagine it from his point of view and so you would not try to do that they were to question one question here and come here I'll come here no that's there but let's take it in a very simple way I did not know that I am this infinite consciousness unlimited consciousness and therefore I thought I was this body and mind now I know that's the going away of the ignorance ignorance means what it the stance the word mere literally means not knowing and therefore leading to error ripe ago unripe ego in sri ramakrishna talks about it unripe ego is the ego in the mind of the waker who does not who is under ignorance and error and therefore the unripe ego thinks I am this body and mind this is my house my husband wife my children this is mine and did that is not mine this will be mine next and that I will get rid of next so this is this thinking of the unripe ego the ripe ego is what is the ego functioning in the mind of the enlightened person the enlightened person now knows I am the infinite consciousness but the body is still there at least it appears and the mind is still there it appears in the mind and ego will also appear that ego now remains as the ripe ego what will that ego say it's Ramakrishna put it in two ways so that ego if you if it's a devotee a person who is devotional who has deep faith in God has realized God from that that person will continue will continue as I am the child of the Lord I am the servant of the Lord thou art my master I am thy servant that will be the right ego of the enlightened person or in this perspective Salam Krishna also says this that the right bigger will continue as I am turian he says it will continue as I am the pure consciousness the ego ego will refer back to that pure consciousness okay I'll come to you so in we're on to these terms I'm just thinking today in suppose something like God in most philosophies in most theologies it is vague mysterious ambiguous in Vedanta it is absolutely present there is no way of misusing these terms English word God is very am because it can refer to and god knows what it means in Vedanta very precise it always means saguna brahman what is saguna brahman that also has a very precise definition that's why evidences are is so useful like a primer of Vedanta we have started off with at the top of Mount Everest that's why these questions keep coming up if you start off with volantis are instead of Manduca arica you start off at the base camp so there'll be no I mean the question will not come up at all what what do you mean by saguna brahman clear definition Maya Appa hit a titanium consciousness associated with Maya what is Maya that's also clearly defined in one sense at least it Sumati aghanim the ignorance of all of us combined together so consciousness plus Maya is saguna brahman in Vedanta now that saguna brahman can be understood at three levels which is consciousness and the and my ID cell which is called Ishwara at this level at the causal level this saguna brahman is that Ishwara plus the cosmic mind it becomes Hiranya garbha at the subtle level plus because entire physical cosmos one consciousness identified with the entire universe with all our minds and with the entire universe that is called viraat it comes at this level all precisely defined I mean there's actually no scope of making an error there and you have to be at every step clear about what you're talking about I was just in fact I was just thinking in comparison to other religious philosophies both inside Hinduism and outside there this conception of God whether you agree with it or not that means the terms are very clearly defined there is no scope for confusion you approach any other theologian in any other religion you will be thrown with into a mass of mystery and vagueness and ambiguity and we don't know what you're talking about really all right I'll come to you I understand he's supposed to is trying to clear up the confusion the cause and effect is at this level at the law of karma they are all bound by the law of karma definitely before I go there one more point the Janus and the Buddhists therefore do not believe in this kind of God any kind of God the cosmic idea that there is one consciousness associated with all of it that's why you'll find Jainism and Buddhism are very individualistic even the conception of Buddha is of an individual is not something behind the entire universe associated with the entirety so the the the jina the highest conception in Jainism is of a perfected being not somebody who's identified with the entire cosmos in the basic idea of God is a totality in Vedanta all of it consciousness associated with all of it all of what all what would all mean here the entire gross universe the entire subtle universe and the entire causal universe that's what's meant by all of it what mm-hmm to realize be just we just said that Turia is beyond all of them yes but look at the word you used really really it is Brahman at this level it is false it's not that there are four there is only one if you realize that aureum it's only two Liam and altar iam and all of this continues as a false appearance but if you come back to this level of appearance then there is cause and effect then there is individual and total if you take the indi there's an individual maker there is a individual dreamer and an individual sleeper you if you take it at the cosmic level there is a consciousness associated with the entire cosmos in the waking world with the entire cosmos in the thought world and the entire cosmos in the causal world that is called God all of these are the level of appearance Oh gnostic elastica all right so no but let's slowly move slowly I always have imposed speed limits because we have thoughts going all over the place thank you about 5,000 years of Indian philosophy this was cruising all over the place that way lies madness we moved slowly move carefully so this thing that there is a consciousness associated with the entire universe whom you call God whom the individual can worship what is our idea of God consciousness with the power which produces the entire universe is omniscient omnipotent all-powerful is the creator preserver destroyer of the universe this is the idea of God found in theistic religions are you with me such a God Buddhism does not believe in such a god Buddhism does not believe in or Jainism or in Hinduism Sankhya yoga yoga believes in Ishwara but the issue of yoga is a purusa vitiation is a special as a perfected being but not the creator of the universe not the master of Prakriti of course they do the the Abrahamic religions are all theistic my god what are you talking about all right absolute timeout remember we are talking about something you this is the pull of gravity pulling you down to first to philosophy then to religion then to science and back to the earth again we are far far above belief systems and religions here stick to experience stick to reason yes yeah yes absolutely not Brahman Brahman is a caste not other would anybody care to answer yes that is true if you say why that might not remain in ignorance it will that will will make you unhappy you cannot remain in ignorance that it will drive you back to the Vedanta class again but but wait wait and no more questions now timeout but I'll just respond to that it is something that I mentioned again and again in the production of booty class in the trig ratio a class in numerous classes Vedanta has two stages Vedanta has two stages Advaita Vedanta the first stage is a search for the reality to to search for the reality you must step back from the appearance so if there is such a thing as the thorium or Atman or Brahman then we must know it apart from the world body and mind why because right now I am under the influence of not only ignorance but error which convinces me I am the body-mind so I must know myself as apart from body and mind that I am NOT the body not the mind in the Nirvana Shotokan Shankar Acharya did Anand the Rupa her shivoham he says I am top the nature of Shiva but before that I am NOT the mind I'm not the intellect I am not the memory I am not the ego and I'm not the prana I'm not the puncher coach and so on I'm not dissing eighteen eighteen eighty and finally realizes but that's just the first step of Advaita these are fundamental things you must always remember this this is the first step of Advaita second step is all that you said I am NOT this and I'm not that what about those things what are they in relation to you the brahmana once you realize I am Brahman I am such a Don and I am pure consciousness studium whatever then what is all this what is all this that question remains don't be so quick to answer it that question remains and the answer given by Vedanta is those things are appearances of the same Torian they are nothing other than Turia but remember they are not real in themselves without Torian they could not exist they would neither exist nor appear its the examples which I guess just use those examples the gold and the ornament to realize the reality you have necklaces you have bracelets you have rings somebody tells you these are not real the reality is gold then you must realize first of all it's not this necklace it's not the ring it's not the bracelet which is real apart from them there is something called gold which is the real thing having realized that now you realize that the necklace is nothing but that code the bracelet is nothing but that good the ring is nothing but that code having realized that also you must be very clear it's not that there are two realities now gold and necklace there is only good not a no such thing separately as a necklace the necklace is a name and a form and a function given to the reality called gold similarly Maya means name form and function this entire universe is named form and function but the reality is Brahman that's what is being that's what is being claimed and by advaita vedanta so you must realize that yes so that the answered answer is there that we cannot remain state of ignorance because it's state of suffering the suffering itself will drive you to knowledge but I am answering the first part of his question that you noticed that we are saying we are not this and then when you are saying we all of this is also Brahman with all of this is Brahman if all of this is Brahman all the teachers would say straight are when you start searching for the ultimate truth the teachers would say this is the ultimate truth disastrous teaching but when this is called ET this is the truth and it's right if you show a necklace and said what is gold if you say straight away this is gold what will the person who does not recognize gold what will the person think the necklace is the gold the moment the necklace is melted into and made into a ring he'll think gold is gone do you see so first he must that confusion must be removed that name and the form and the function is not cold the substance is gold that has to be pointed out that has to be realized that is realized by the process of 1980 not this not this one must realize the ultimate reality and then see everything is a manifestation of that reality if you do not realize the ultimate reality and say this is the ultimate reality one Swami said anybody who gives such a teaching murders the disciple what is the disciple means murders the spiritual teacher future the disciple we are already materialist you're just confirming me in my materialism if you say this is the reality then why do I need wait on tour Buddhism or anything else no questions all right let us go ahead and I'm sorry we'll have questions at the end let's make some progress some beautiful caracas are coming now carica number 15 a nutri green rata Swapna and yata green hotter swap no need to imagine a new drama janitor vapor yossi toy yogini vapor yaa SATA yoke Toriyama damash naughty Toriyama damash not a dream belongs to one who sees falsely and sleep to one who does not know reality when the two errors of these two are removed one attains the state that is - Liam how does one become established in the thorium the answer given by guru Pathik it's answer here what is according to him seeing wrongly is dream not falling asleep and dreaming something we just defined the philosophical meaning of sleep and dream according to God a pada what is the philosophical meaning of sleep according to God a pada ignorance whether you are wide awake in this world you still asleep unless you are enlightened so ignorant of your real nature astoria ms sleep and what is dream according to God or father false notions about oneself that I am the body and mind so that is that is dream under Tigrinya toss Swapna Sapna means dream dream is misperception misperception of the reality wrong comprehension of the reality what is mr. perception of the reality according to go Rapada does not know that I am searched Ananda and thinks that I am body and mind this is dream and all the associated problems I am old Ora have disease and nobody cares for me but this is my house and my property and my husband wife children and their problems are also my problems this is all because of identification with one body mind this is called dream you are in a dream and then what is sleep in that case nidra that to imagine Atta not knowing the reality is sleep that you are searched Anand and not knowing that is sleep now how does one and who is affected by the body's the Waker and the dreamer and the deep sleeper are all affected by sleep ignorant and the Waker in the dreamer are affected by dreaming that misconception now only the tour IAM is free of all of these how does one become the tour iam your answer will be we are the tour iam so all that you need to do is to realize to recognize to realize to grasp to understand the truth that we are the tour iam how does that one have one do one do that vapor vapor yeah SATA auctioning the vendee dream when the sleep of ignorance and the dream of error are removed then one one is turian when one is free of these two these two fourths what are the two faults one fault is the sleep of ignorance and the consequent fall fault is the dream of error when these two faults are removed by auctioning when these two are removed one realizes one historian how do you remove them then by knowledge by knowledge so knowledge of what knowledge of my real self that I am thorium remember one thing that which is removed by knowledge never existed that is true I am being chased by or or a burglar has broken into the house and I'm in terror and anxiety and suddenly a snap awake sitting on the bed and he realized it was a nightmare you have awakened from the nightmare then what happened to the burglar never was there removed was removed by the burglars was removed by awakening waking up from the dream from the nightmare but that burglar which was removed by waking up what does was that burglar ever there did you have to dial nine-one-one did the police come no it was removed by waking up only because it was never there so knowledge removes if knowledge removes anything it removes that which was never there and if knowledge gives you anything it always gives you what that which was already there what you already had knowledge gives you that what you never had knowledge takes that away nice result yes sounds like a con job knowledge tells you that you are Toria m-- only because knowledge does not make you to reom only because you are already tor IAM knowledge does reveals that to you alright that sir verse and because of ignorance is sleep and then the consequent dream that is the cause of our samsara now you might have a question at this point everybody has the question so the whole thing boils down to our ignorant of the fact that I am thorium this question will always come again in a game where did this ignorant come from when did this ignorant start why are we under this ignorant now oh you know the Vedantic reasoning goes like this so why do I have this life now step by step why do I have this life now in a very commonsensical way their protest is where Vedanta will say because of the results of your karma because of what you did you are getting these experiences these parents this body this life these companions these experiences both good and bad because of your past karma so why did I do this past karma why did i do karma at all because of desire I want I want these things and I want to avoid those things Raghav aja liking and disliking we are prompted to effort by our impulses which push us towards certain things and drive us away from other things so I want wealth I want health I want betwee successful nothing wrong with all of this and I want to drive away ill health and you know misery and poverty and death and therefore I do karma I work and because of that work the results come so our life right now is the result of my own karma my karma is a result of my desires why did I have those desires at all because the root of all desires is ignorance ignorance of what of your own infinite need if you knew what you are then you would not have these desires to get something from the world you would be perfectly all right with everything because you are that infinite untouched infinite so ignorance is at the root Shankar Acharya uses a phrase again and again Aveda our karma karma aletheia karma karma ignorance desire karma work and the rest is self-explanatory karma will give results and that will propel you from life to life to life and so on so the root of everything is in ignorance life if you're asked where did this ignorance come from past lives if we immediately your question will be when did it start where did it start and who's responsible for it is God responsible for it so all these questions come up and the answer is in the next very next verse don't be too excited it's going to be going to be a real downer next it's a very beautiful versus one of my favorite characters in the whole book another Mariah suebdo another Maya soup toe yada Jeeva prabhu dirty yada Jeeva Prabhu dirty hominid drama Swapna Majin and it drama Swapna m-- add weight embody tada wait um but yet a very beautiful verse it says when when you the individual being the sentient being Jeeva when you awaken look at the word Prabhu deity the word Buddha is to awaken when the individual being awakens not from a nap but from soup taaha the deep sleep of ignorance what ignorance on ardha my I are beginning inglis Maya then what does the person awakened into what do you awaken into into a do item the non-dual reality are Djem the unborn reality which does not which is not born like the physical body which means it does not undergo the changes in the death of the physical like the physical body on it drum which is beyond ignore beyond sleep pure consciousness never sleeps it is beyond ignorance about itself and in fact it's beyond our physical sleep also because it's it's always awake it's the witness of our sleep on it drum and it's here also it means beyond ignorance a swap numb beyond error literally it means beyond sleep and beyond dream beyond knowledge yes are the two answers very clearly and you should be now I'll ask you agree to explain what I am saying your question is is it beyond knowledge my answer is yes it's beyond knowledge - it is knowledge itself what do I mean by that what do I mean then the question will arise what is knowledge in Advaita Vedanta what is the role played by Turia mean knowledge in Advaita Vedanta and what is thorium itself hold on all that question but now let's let's give let's drill on this this is very important and beautiful verse no one thing is the questions are there they are very valid questions but my point is these are also very basic questions one must clear up these things it requires the basic groundwork of Advaita to clear up these things I'll come by hold on to the question come back to it but let's first look at this verse what was the question we raised where does ignorance come from when did ignorance come who or what is responsible for this ignorance what caused this ignorance all this so that's the question what what Deven did Maya come samaya is responsible we are asking we are we going further we're asking who is responsible for Maya it's - Liam responsible then I did then then I really hate Torian because it's materialism if it's always been there so did it ever start it didn't start that's what he's saying his answer is on look at this word look at this word a na the Maya a souped in this one word he has answered all those questions and his answer is the questions are wrong as the questions are wrong you are assuming it is something that began but ignorant is not something that begins in fact is a professor Jane Mohan Tina in a lecture in an Institute of culture in gold Park he pointed out something interesting if you're asking a question when did ignorant begin and the answer given by Vedanta is is that it's beginningless we get we are not satisfied we think that oh they are evading it and they should give us an answer but they are not giving us an answer they are evading it but that's not true in fact forget Vedanta any kind of ignorance in the worldly sense also any kind of ignorance is beginningless suppose I don't know Spanish actually just today I was coming out of the subway and gentleman came and asked me I was walking near the subway near in the park and gentleman came out and asked me do you speak Spanish I said no I'm not like Latino I'm Indian but then I got hold of him and took him to somebody who did speak Spanish he wanted directions so I don't know Spanish I have ignorant of Spanish when did my ignorance of Spanish start if I say that my ignorant started if you ask the question since when did you not know do you not know Spanish and usually the answer is we are all philosophically acute poor people so you will not make those mistakes but an unwary audience somebody is bound to say when from my very birth does that mean before your birth you knew Spanish you never knew Spanish the ER ignorance my ignorance of Spanish is without beginning but it has an end it has an end the moment I take lessons in Spanish my ignorance of Spanish comes to an end so ignorance is always without beginningless ignorance has no cause so the waiting the who started ignorance where did it start and when did it start all the questions are meaningless because ignorance is an ally Maya beginningless Maya asleep because of beginningless Maya anar de Maya a septa very very poetic look at the verse we individual beings sleeping since beginningless time because of this beginningless ignorant when we awaken this beginningless ignorance about Spanish has an end the moment I start attending Spanish classes the beginningless ignorance about our self Toria has an end the moment you start attending without the classes yes it hopefully it'll come to an end so it has an end yah-ha Jeeva Prabhu deity very soaring inspiring positive words when you awaken when you really awaken awaken probably at age is not just waking up really awakening you become enlightened this is where this is the same tone in which we have a calendar says arise awake and sleep not tilde and stop not till the goal is reached this is he has taken it from another rope initial wish Tata geography prepare Barney Bo data it's in the open Ishod it means in the original quotation it means arise from the beginningless sleep of Maya awaken to your non dual reality or infinite nature mmm find out those blessed ones who are enlightened and realized the truth from them proper omnivorous that way they can endure adapted into arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached that's a very good adaptation in the same way in gora pada says when you awaken to your real nature and what is that real nature he mentions adwaita non non dual non dual very profound I just make one point here if upon awakening if upon getting knowledge I realized my real nature is non dual then what happens to the world of duality what is this world of duality then it has to be false the entire universe is falsified it doesn't disappear it is falsified when you realize that your true nature is non dual what does it mean to say Tori as non dual oh okay Tori is non dual but what about my world you have not understood what is meant by Toria being non dual tahrir being non dual means there is no second thing apart from Toria there is no second reality apart from Korea even when we say you asked the question you see the the movement is so subtle even when we say oh we realize everything is Tori up no no there is no everything there is only Torian yes then what is all this an appearance a mirage a falsity is it he true to say all history 'm yes only know that all is not Turia Malone is where they can endure had this nice exchange of poems let you know a back and forth with with his disciple Mary Hale was a young American woman who was with close follower of the other Canon then she wrote a poem to Vivekananda saying that I have understood what you have taught it's in very kindest collected poems so I understood what you have taught that we have taught us that all is God and he wrote back saying that I never said such thing unmeaning talk is a strange doctrine that all is God I have never taught such thing and she wrote back saying that this is exactly what you said I'm repeating what you said you said all his God he said no I I said God only is all is not I never said everything is God there's a big difference between the two God only is everything else is not or everything is not it is all it's an appearance if you say everything is God it's like there are two things God and everything and God somehow pervades everything is prints up everything if you if you go closer I mean if you examine the language if I say all the ornaments are gold is it correct more precise to say there are no ornaments there is only good yes that is the result of it's the kind of crazy talk you'll start using when you read man Tokyo Punisher everybody will tell you but there are ornaments what's all this in front of you and you will immediately say show me the ornaments without the gold where is the thing that you call an ornament touch it do touch gold bring it to me you'll bring gold only way it you'll be the gold only where is the thing called an ornament there's no thing called an ornament the only thing is the gold this similarly the only thing is the tour iam are do item conclusion one if knowledge reveals a do item then the dry term must be false it must be a false appearance I'm come to you your question all right what you are saying is relevant for sadhana start with small things try to control your strong likes and dislikes passions reduce it but what this is doing is going to the root of the problem if you can continue to consider yourself if I say that I am this little creature of flesh and blood I am barred and this body this mind and somehow to be a nice religious person I have to control my raga duration my likes and dislikes so maybe I will try to bring my likes and dislikes under control but as long as I have a deep sense that I am a limited biological creature born to perish tomorrow subject to a hundred threats from this world there are financial problems their relationship problems there are health problems and all of those are true I cannot but ultimately have raga and through Asia you may make mild adjustments you may become from a less disciplined person to a little more disciplined person from a less controlled percent or more control person but still you are a samsara Shiva subject to birth and death subject to the terrors of life you can never overcome suffering unless you go to the root and the root is what am I really it you have to go to the root that's why it becomes such a grand vision you have to go to the root ultimately when you go to the root you have to go to the root of your experience what do you experience your experience is grand I and universe so the answer has to encompass I and the universe also and this answer is very simple here but very grand there is one reality which appears as the eye and the universe of this eye lit Astoria do you see where I'm going with this ad waiter goes to the very root it does not believe in bandits you must solve the problem at the source if the source is ignorant not that little ignorance at the level of I like chocolate chip cookies or I like caramel cookies or whatever sugar is not good for me and what is good for me what gluten-free is good for me that is the nice adjustment to make but that will that that has I mean it's comical in the face of this if this is the problem runs so deep how can you solve anything you will continue you you can solve it means what you can instead of generating negative Karma you can generate a lot of good karma yes that is again remember that kind of thinking is it's there in in Vedanta it is it's called we it's basically it's called Dharma the level of thinking of the Dharma generate a better life for yourself prevent yourself from suffering if that is your thinking then you have to go through that kind of process for many many lives till you get tired of that also only after that you turn to true I know but I'm not denying it what I said that what did I say first that is at the level of sadhana southern amine spiritual practice what is basically trying to do is try to become a little better person than you are earlier but you don't need me or the way down to society to tell you that we learned that in kindergarten tell the truth share your lunch don't be mean to the kid next to you you don't need to be done to society for that what we are be a little better than that obviously that goes without saying that goes without saying but this goes to the root of the problem what this is the big question this is the big question otherwise what will happen you know is that if you go on that's called the heaven concept it's there in every religion that can I make my life free of suffering old age death disease can I get rid of that still be this individual have fun eternally so yes the answer to that there's a word used in every religion it's called heaven Vedanta starts when you realize the heavens are also temporary when you have such a deep and vast vision this big question so this way of continuing will it will it go on will it be permanent will it be satisfactory no ultimately you will be dissatisfied with the heavens - in Hinduism they talked about many heavens lower in higher heavens the better you are the higher the heaven you go to their fantastic heavens where Yama that the this was the question put by the little boy to educate that to yamaraja yamaraja said don't ask me about this netiquette they insisted on knowing this yamaraja said no I think my Raja was that he had the right teaching technique you should come and ask me about thorium I should say no I'm going to tell you about heaven and then you should say like nachiket I don't care about heaven I want to know about thorium then only the Vedanta class stats so not a kata yamaraja tells an educator don't ask about these things let me tell you how you're going to be rich and famous I'll give you a kingdom as far as your eyes can see you'll live for a hundred years with your sons and grandsons you will get the joys and the the fun that the gods have in the heavens he says which are not available to mortal man all those enjoyments you will get look he says look at these heavenly damsels with their chariots and musical instruments so the descriptions of heaven all of that will be yours and what so basically the answer is exactly what you are saying can one have a nice life without the problems associated with it that's the question answer is yes you can have it not really not forever you still remain as that individual being and very soon you will get bored with that Summerset mom said that that if you pursue pleasure single-mindedly very soon you will find nothing pleasing anymore the one problem that the gods in the heavens have is that they get bored we are having a lot of fun but only fun and there's no problem at all and then like Beverly Hills party going on and on and on and in Hollywood but the let become complete now the thing is what was Magic eaters response to that his response was that as long as you exist or death even the highest heavens mean nothing to me tomorrow it will be gone and tomorrow it will be gone therefore and his answer was pretty rude for a little boy facing the king of death the Lord of death his answer was Tao aha dominant unity keep your chatty literally these words keep your chariots keep your singing and dancing let you have fun with that I want to know Vedanta and then Yama is very happy all right I will teach you Vedanta it's like you go to a shop for clothes expensive clothes and in India I don't need their shops are there like that anymore earlier the shopkeeper would come and roll out streams of clothes before you you select you know like this and this cloud then that cloth and this clock and then if you were a particularly discerning buyer you would say no I don't like any of that don't you have anything better and then the the shop owner would say yes I have come to the back of the shop I have got the special stuff I want to show you the Vedas are like that your waiters tell you you want to have a wonderful life be moral perform all the religious duties the rituals you will go to higher and higher heavens this seven is like that that Evan is like that and they were higher heaven like that and so on you know like up to the seventh heaven it's some magnificent view of the possibilities of life beyond death life beyond death if you're not happy with that then the Vedas say okay I have got the thing for you come to the back of the shop the the Vedic shop it's a magic shop when you go to the back he will pull out this is called this is my secret stock is called demand okay open a shop which is something beyond the heavens I'm going to show you that one reality what happens we will talk about it in the next talk on Sunday it's on based on the second chapter of the man look here you man do Kia expects that instead of saying not this and that one I want I will be like that and not like this Manduca says see the one reality in the highest heaven and the lowest hell in the most exalted Samadhi and in the most ordinary mundane state of mind you will see that one dorium everywhere thus you are free of everything otherwise what happens is I like this I will be like this I don't like that I will not be like that and this is your life a Zen master put it so beautifully like this he says to set one state of things against the other set of state of things by saying I like this and I do not like that is the special disease of the mind it applies down to everything talk about practical things it is enormous ly practical it it applies to your choice of deodorant or your you know choice of your next entertainment you want to the highest metaphysical truths everything is been that thing that do I do I have likings this one I will do and not that one and I think if I get this then I am exalted I am happy I am blessed if I dive that thing happens then it's horrible my life is awful then you're caught in samsara it might be a minor thing it might be the most tragic of events if your serene in all circumstances in absolutely all circumstances do you remember the story of sukadeva who was turned into a camel by the Divine Mother in all circumstances are absolutely serene then you are free aren't you free nothing that the universe does can have any effect on you you are happy and blissful in every circumstance but how is that possible how can you be happy and blissful in every circumstance if you are caught up in the circumstances you cannot be happy in blissful you will be crushed by the wheel of samsara if you are caught up in a body mind you will be crushed by samsara because body mind is a part of samsara but if you know the reality that you are the something which transcends body mind which transcends this samsara which is present in and through all some solace then you are established in the truth you'll know it yourself but there will be no doubt about it you will what's your name now see Mona you have no doubt that you are Mona right even in our even more direct and indubitable sense you will know when you wake up you will know there'll be no doubt left at all it's as as clear as looking at mr. product of the first stage the first stage that I am NOT the body and mind and the unchanging consciousness the witness consciousness of body mind and samsara of the world that is the stage at which Sankhya stops but Anjali yoga also stops at that it's called prakruti purusa vivica distinguishing consciousness from nature and that itself overcomes suffering so that's the promise of Sankhya and yoga Vedanta will say that's not yet fully satisfactory what is this practically that you have left out of your realization you have not attained oneness with everything so Vedanta goes a big step further when you go to oneness with the entire universe but in the years in the first step itself when you realize yourself as the immortal consciousness what suffering can there be for you let's just go a little further yah Jeeva Prabhu deity two verses I just read it out very beautiful and then next time we can discuss it seventeen and eighteen very profound prop enjoy a debate data wrap enjoy a debate DITA never tetanus am Shia never tea turn some Shia Muhammad Ramadan vitam maha-mantra me don't wait um Audrey Emperor Matata Adam param are Tata for a beautiful verse this phenomenal existence this world it would surely be it would cease it can be removed you can become of it if it actually existed then the question of getting freedom from it would arise there can be no serious question of being free of the snake which is seen by mistake what method will you apply if it was a real snake you could have used a stake you could have got a mongoose to drive it away or a snake catcher or just said shoe or something but to the snake which is born of ignorance which is not really there none of those methods will work so prop enjoy a DVD if the universe existed never tetanus anxiety you could have the question of how to remove samsara how to remove this afflicted existence it does not exist what is it Maya Mottram Needham do item this duality is born of ignorance it has no substantial reality it's one thing to understand advaitha is not eager to erase the experience of the world I'm using words very carefully an enlightened person does that person continue to experience the body-mind in the world yes adroit is not eager to extreme of the experience of the world a duet wants to make you free from it Advaita wants to say that you don't get tangled in it entangled in it enjoy this be limitless be completely free within this experience all of it is you or none of it is you our whole thing is we get trapped is because we think a part of it is me this much is me and that much is not me and both are very real then starts the game of samsara but adwaita says first of all everything from the body mind up to the X farthest reaches of the universe is an appearance of the Torian which you are number one and it has no real effect on you there is no need to erase this it can go on let it go on let the fun go on there's absolutely no problem adwaita does not say that you sit with your eyes closed in Samadhi somebody asked a great teacher in India Advaita Cape seems to say two things brandman alone is all of this and all of this is false which one how are we to understand these two and the answer was imagine a vast ocean when it is whipped up into waves and activities then you say take that that Brahman alone is all of this it's appearing as all of this when it is absolutely calm imagine an ocean which is calm waveless then use the other one there is nothing the samsara doesn't exist at all the vast waveless ocean is like near guna brahman and the ocean in which to all these waves is like brahman appearing as this entire universe it's exactly the same thing and the next part I found was next in instruction I found was really profound he says as a spiritual practitioner as a non dualist and the hindi word he used is kisi may our granny know naturally you should have no preference for either of them what a beautiful thing the universe will disappear and I will remain in eternal peace there is a little bit of ignorance there or I want it to be like this full of happening a spiritual joy vastness continuous dynamic universe that also you should not get stuck to when the universe disappears completely Brahman remains exactly as it was when the entire universe appears with body mind all its problems possibilities the joys and sorrows all of it going on Brahman remains exactly as it was and you are that Brahman you should have no particular favourite that I want that state in preference to this state often spiritual experience always want the peaceful state very kind I said I shall remain in nearby culpa sumati see Ramakrishna scolded him but that still shows a little bit of a little bit of ignorance that somehow that is higher this is a little lower it's the same emotion it's the same emotion exactly the same water just that there is an appearance of name form activity here every bit of it is the same such in ananda when the appearance disappears is still the same sat-chit-ananda materially substantially in reality not the slightest differences there and nor should we look for one in preference to the other if you're looking for one in preference to the other somewhere we are attached to something that's not real yeah absolutely [Music] no there are two questions two questions you asked separate the two why are you a monk question one question two is why are you trying to get enlightened the first question is easily answered the second one is deep first question is why are you a monk it's a lifestyle choice it's it's like it's like saying you don't have to be a computer scientist to use your iPhone you don't have to be Zuckerberg to use Facebook anybody can use it that's the whole trick anybody can use it so but there are specialists who are computer scientists you need those too right so just like that you don't have to be a month to become enlightened but still there is the need for monks and theologians and pundits and scholars and rabbis and specialists in that particular field it's doesn't need what some people can be that and some people should be that ramana maharshi was asked this and his answer is the simplest answer he was asked by a lady who was a housewife but you have to be a monk to become enlightened 'no he said no and then her question was even more direct in your question she said and why are you sitting in a cave like the idea was I have to cook meals and take care of my children and all of that and you're sitting in a cave you're having a nice time of it yeah yeah it's a lifestyle see why are you sitting in this in this cave with a serene smile and wearing a diaper [Laughter] his answer was mother that is just my karma and your karma it has nothing to do with enlightenment in your particular didn't explain with so much detail he just said it's because of my Karma and your Karma but that has nothing to do with enlightenment if you want in your place working there you are as a housewife you can become enlightened and becoming a monk and sitting in a cave and meditating I might not become enlightened might not it doesn't guarantee that I'm going to become enlightened so is at the mob being a monk has nothing to do with enlightenment no that's not true obviously it's not true the inga monk has a deep connection with enlightenment but only the interior it he has a deep connection Sri Ramakrishna put it this way for householders he said via Torah tag and for he sets of renunciation into inner renunciation and for monks he said both inner and outer renunciation so this is the first question second question was why are you seeking enlightenment because I suffer I want to overcome suffering I want to find that promise the serenity the Bliss who doesn't want it that jet stroke everybody else is basically gunning for the heaven concept I want to make certain changes to my life and I'll be happy I often think I will end with that I often think and you know in mature persons we start off by trying to change things in the world I'll get these positions I learn and get a nice house and a nice location nice School District yeah I'll be happy that doesn't make me happy well next I think I'll treat change the people in my life make a better husband better wife better children no it's very difficult very difficult to make a change in oneself impossible to make change in others almost impossible then we try to change ourselves and then we started the most outermost layer of ourselves I'll have a healthy gluten-free Yoga body I'll get up early in the morning and then do this exercise and then do this and that that's good but then you see that the limitation of that approach then you say okay I'll go deeper hmm I will change man see now you're going deeper I'll change my very thoughts I'll have high noble holy spiritual thoughts spiritual practice so I have bhakti I have then you say you go deeper why thoughts at all I'll be in the deepest peace in meditation Raja yoga Samadhi you go further still till you come to Manduca which says just realize what you are the one which is trying to make all these changes from the world outside to the mind all these changes are big trying trying to make who is the one trying to make that Manduca says all of them apart they have their uses but you realize this one your problems are really solved forever no matter what kind of world you live in no matter what kind of body you have no matter what kind of husband wife children you have no matter what kind of mind you have your problems are forever salt don't realise that and try to change these things your problems are temporarily solved you'll have other problems all right [Music] yes that's true yeah yeah and the same lost yes yes yeah yeah to fit yourself back into this frame of reference again takes a lot of effort and limitation to limit yourself much further here it's like coming back into the illusion again I'll take just one minute more of your time no normal questions because I want to finish this this do item duality is an appearance non duality is the highest reality then the last car Iike the fifth eighteenth carica we culpa Vinnie but theta we call Pavan ebert theta Cal Pete oh yeah de Cana cheat Cal Pete oh yeah decay energy Upanishad am Vado Upanishad I am father John T do item with deity Yahweh item debate deity he goes even further soon all right but I am this individual who's having this error so I must realize myself Astoria so I am having I am living this dream here he says this could be removed if there was anybody having a dream also dorium does not dream right so then if there is anybody having a dream at all even the individual being the nor that also he denies so we call Pavan eva theta the diversity duality would be removed cul petoria decay nurtured if there was any particular know who knows this duality then we could remove the dream of that death nor but that there is no individual nor also to liam is the ultimate reality then you might say now you are just talking crazy because all along you're talking about individual being and bondage and ignorance and knowing the thorium and then you have to get out of tutorial the ignorance and realize awaken to the thorium and realize that your to Liam all this talk what's all this if there's nobody like that if there's only Torian and then he says Upanishad I am vada this kind of talk is there only for instruction you cannot teach without the language of duality that's why we are talking we are using the language of duality all this teaching is in the language of duality you'll see it assumes to ality basically without assuming duality you cannot teach Vedanta if you don't assume that the only option left for you is silence which you remember she would often use that to sit in silence Upanishad I am Radha all this language these examples this paradigms which are being put forward for aspects of the self and all of this not true at all but this is being used so that our error is corrected duality is removed got a new item navigated once you realize that truth the duality will not remain and you will see all of this is just temporary it's like a scaffolding which you use to erect a building once it's done the scaffolding has to be removed no it will come we will talk about it this Sunday then you dismiss everything is false this Sunday will will take a carica from the second chapter of the mondo kyoka Rica where gora power just goes to the extreme I mean you can't say anything more than that there he says there is no samsara which was ever created no samsara which is destroyed nobody who is in bondage nobody who is a spiritual seeker nobody who gets who wants liberation nobody who gets liberation this is the final truth so he just says that now if you say this and with this that if you see this the next question that comes is then whatever about you mr. Vedanta are you true or false where everything is false what about you and there Vedanta says are you have got it I am also false I'm also false I'm also false but the point is I'm here to show you the falsity of the world once you realize the falsity of the world you can dismiss me as being false then what is the truth you alone remain is the truth not you and Vedanta you alone remain as the truth but be there do not dismiss me before you have falsified the world experience if you dismiss vedantist faults before falsifying the world you'll sink back into materialism again it's very it has to be very careful Nagarjuna the great Buddhist philosopher he says Shunyata the teaching of the void he says Shunyata is meant for seeing the the emptiness of the universe the teaching of emptiness Sunita is meant for seeing the emptiness of the universe so for those who take the universe to be real the teaching of Shunyata reveals the emptiness of the universe and then he says but those who take shunya taught to be real for them there is no help Shunyata can free you from the universe but if you grasp two-on-two shoonya itself then there is no help for you Sunita itself is also false yes all right we'll stop here six o'clock we've been at it for two hours Shante Shante Shante hurry he owned that's at Sri Ramakrishna [Music]